October 4, 2023 | The Impact of Chronic Stress and Trauma

Title: The Impact of Chronic Stress and Trauma
Date: Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Location: Zoom
Registration Fees:
CLI Members $25
Non CLI Members: $25
Student Members of CLI: $10
Sponsors per benefit package
Continuing Education:
1.5-credits PENDING CLE, LMFT, MN Board of Psychology
Certificate of attendance for LICSW & ADR.
Cancellation: Refunds for registration will be processed if notice of cancellation is received by 9/29/23.
Who Should Attend: CLI Members, Family Law Professionals
Educational Level: Overview
Training Committee Chairs:
Louise Livesay-Al | louise@livesaylawoffice.com
Rebecca Randen | rebecca@rcglawoffice.com
For questions on registration contact: Sandy Beeson: