
New Member Signup | Collaborative Law Institute of Minnesota

The Collaborative Law Institute of Minnesota was the first of more than 90 Collaborative Practice Groups that have formed around the world. We are committed to significantly expanding the awareness and use of the Collaborative process in Minnesota. We provide our members with the support they need to develop a strong Collaborative practice. Now is a great time to consider adding the Collaborative Process to your practice as more and more clients are asking for this as a choice.

Why Join

  • Training: The Institute provides essential training to improve Collaborative skills, including workshops from local and international experts. Most workshops qualify for professional continuing education credits.
  • Resources. The Institute provides support to regional practice groups, discounts on training for members, and mentoring opportunities with experienced Collaborative practitioners. Though this website, you have access to the most current forms, including the Participation Agreements, Parenting Plan, Intake Questionnaire, et cetera.
  • Marketing Support. Access to the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) marketing campaign that includes professionally designed brochures.
  • Website Promotions. CLI’s website provides each member with their own personal profile page with links out to their own website. CLI also assists members in promoting Collaborative practice and educating the public about Collaborative law.
  • Multidisciplinary Networking. As a member of the Collaborative Law Institute, you have the opportunity to network at trainings; on Institute committees and task forces; and at regional, state, and international meetings.

Membership Categories

Professional  | A licensed professional (Attorney, Child Specialist, Family Specialist, Financial Professional, Mediator, Divorce Coach) with 4 or more years of experience.
Dues Amount: Annual Payment: $470.24 | Monthly Payment: $42.19

Newly Licensed Professional | A licensed professional (Attorney, Child Specialist, Family Specialist, Financial Professional, Mediator, Divorce Coach) with 0-3 years of experience.
Dues Amount: Annual Payment: $337.94 | Monthly Payment: $31.16

Student | Currently enrolled in a law school or a graduate/professional training program.
Student Membership includes free attendance to CLI Trainings and Brown Bag Workshops (except for the Annual CLI Forum held each December).
Student dues amount annual payment only.
– Full with both CLI & IACP memberships: $106.50
– Partial CLI MN membership only: $31.50

Emeritus | Has been a member of CLI Minnesota and must be fully retired (no longer taking any cases) from the practice of family law. Emeritus status is bestowed by the CLI MN Board of Directors. To apply for Emeritus membership status, please email CLI Minnesota Membership Chair, Brian Burns |
Emeritus dues amount annual payment only.
– Full with both CLI & IACP memberships: $75
– Partial CLI MN membership only: $0

Additional Membership Notes:

  • Professional and Newly Licensed categories include both CLI and IACP memberships. IACP website:
  • All categories are auto renewed until you notify that you want to cancel your membership.
  • All memberships are on a 12-month rolling renewal period.
  • New members start their annual membership on the date they join.
  • A new member has never been a member or is a past member whose membership lapsed 2-years prior to their re-join date.
  • All new members are required to complete the Collaborative Law Institute’s New Collaborative Experience 2-day basic training (or International Academy of Collaborative Professionals basic training)
    and 40-hour family law mediation training (Rule 114) within 12 months of joining CLI.
  • Professional and Newly Licensed Professional Members are eligible to feature their profiles on the website.

How to Join

  •  Join and pay at the New Member Form – Click here
  • After joining, you will receive an email within a couple of days outlining several on-boarding tasks that our administrator will need to process before you have full access to and participation in CLI. Please watch your in-box for emails with details.
  • For immediate questions, contact CLI Administrative Support:
    Email: | Ph. 952-405-2010

What current members say:

“The Collaborative Law Institute provides a common ground where Collaborative professionals can interact, sharpen their Collaborative skills, and develop training and education programs to disseminate practice methods and information about Collaborative practice.”
~Stu Webb, Attorney (Retired), Minneapolis

“The Collaborative Law Institute is helping me work to build my ideal family practice. Training has broadened my conflict resolution skills and the marketing assistance has allowed me to attract clients willing to participate in meaningful solutions.”
~Ron Ousky, Attorney, Edina

“Membership in the Collaborative Law Institute is vital to staying on the cutting-edge of family law. The members are an energized group of professionals who are committed to carrying out the strategic plan, which includes an aggressive public awareness campaign.”
~Amy Wolff, Financial Advisor, Minneapolis

“My 10-year membership in the Collaborative Law Institute and practice of Collaborative law taught me new skills, brought me more clients, and made my practice more consistent with my values. The support from like-minded legal, mental health, and financial professionals has been invaluable.”
~Linda Ojala, Attorney, Minneapolis

“The CLI community has played a pivotal role in my professional formation as a family law attorney. As a solo practitioner, my CLI colleagues provide me with invaluable support, encouragement, and practical knowledge that truly serves families.”
~Dave Dustrud, Attorney, Bloomington