Ethics Matter! Especially for Collaborative Practice


The Restated Standards created new standards and obligations for team communication, advocacy, and responsibility for case management.

First hosted by CLI: June 25, 2020
Location: Virtual / Zoom Title: Ethics Matter! Especially for Collaborative
Practice Presenter: Diane S. Diel, S.C. Attorneys at Law | Milwaukee, WI Email: Office: 414-224-5355
Description: The IACP Ethical Standards were initially adopted in 2004, revised in 2008 and restated in June 2017.  The Restated Standards created new standards and obligations for team communication, advocacy, and responsibility for case management.  The IACP Ethical Standards are more than a set of rules.  They are guidelines for developing shared expectations for all team members.  This lively, interactive program will help you apply the new standards to your interdisciplinary teamwork whatever your discipline.  And, who says learning about Ethics is dull?  Game shows, contests, and ethical dilemmas galore!