My parents are 87 years old and I have recently had to face their realities which include limited mobility, increased health problems, and questions about whether they should stay in their home, go to an assisted living facility, or get in home care.
It has been hard to talk to them about these issues in part because they are still mentally sound , happily living independently at the end of a dirt road at the edge of the Superior National Forest and enjoying the birds and wildlife which they can only see there.
It was hard to make the phone call to them last winter suggesting that a drive at night to a special event one and a half hours from their home was not a good idea. Recently, after my mother suffered several falls resulting in hospital stays, it was hard to talk to her about the assisted care options . I found a good resource with the Minnesota Senior Link at 1-800-333-2433. I talked to someone who gave me a list of resources in their area.
These are decisions made by families every day. My family includes my parents, sister and brother, and extended family.
Luckily, we seem to be able to communicate and agree on what needs to be done. But there are some families where there are substantial disagreements and conflicts, or no communication at all. For those with disagreements, the collaborative process offers a way to resolve disputes. See www.collaborativelaw.org for professionals who can help you resolve these disagreements.