A La Carte Services

As more and more resources related to separation and divorce have become available online, the need for professional services in these family law matters continues to evolve.

A team approach, including legal representation for each spouse, a neutral financial professional, a neutral child specialist (if there are children) and a neutral coach, is still considered the optimal process for Collaborative divorce and other family law matters. The Collaborative process can be tailored to your families needs.

However, this full team process may not be necessary in all cases to achieve positive outcomes.

Here are some possible options for A La Carte family law services that Collaboratively trained professionals, committed to out-of-court resolution can provide:

  • You and your spouse have resolved issues that must be addressed in your divorce, and you simply would like a settlement-oriented attorney to draft all the necessary legal paperwork.
  • You and your spouse are working through a divorce mainly on your own, but would like the assistance of a neutral child specialist to craft a child-focused parenting plan.
  • You completed a divorce some time ago and would like input from a neutral child specialist or neutral coach regarding family issues related to your children or your co-parenting relationship and communication.
  • You would like a neutral financial professional to assist you and your spouse in determining options for dividing your property in a divorce, but are otherwise comfortable handling your divorce on your own.

All of these services are provided as out-of-court services. If you are interested in handling some or most of your family law matters on your own, but believe you would benefit from professional assistance regarding a specific matter, you can easily find an appropriate Collaborative professional to assist you to do work for you out-of-court and grounded in the values that guide Collaborative practice. Click on one of the buttons below to see a sampling of A La Carte Services offered by Collaborative professionals.

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appointment to learn more
about your legal process options.