Five Simple Rules for Happiness, In Honor of Happiness Month (August)

by | Sep 7, 2016 | Mental Health | 1 comment

iStock_000077646311_TIdy UpAlthough happiness can sometimes seem elusive, keeping in mind the 5 Simple Rules for Happiness below will help:
  1. Free your mind from hatred
  2. Free your mind from worries
  3. Live simply
  4. Give more
  5. Expect Less
It struck me one day that The Five Simple Rules for Happiness are at the core of virtually every major religion’s doctrine for living – be happy by being good. It is a manifesto for living an exemplary life condensed down to 16 words. While they may be simple to list, we all know they are far from easy to abide by.   So, while they may be called Rules, I suggest looking at them as Goals toward which to aspire. The first step to embracing the Five Simple Rules should be to step back and take a hard look at the habits, attitudes and expectations you have that create roadblocks to happiness. It is easier to create new habits if you fully appreciate the negative consequences of your old habits.   Trying to be a little bit better at all the Rules is a first step. However, embracing #5, Expect Less, may give you the most happiness bang for the buck. Stop expecting that if you buy new stuff it will change your life. Stop expecting that people will consider how their actions will affect you. Stop expecting that one day your life will be perfect. By learning how your subconscious expectations influence your entire life, it makes the rest of the rules more achievable.   There seems to be nothing “simple” about the Five Simple Rules For Happiness. Yet, if we would all try daily to apply them to a small degree, then we would find that the happiness we truly desire will come to us all the easier.

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