Is money a little tight and it seems you’ll never get ahead in life? Perhaps it’s time for you to invest in yourself. In fact, investing in yourself can be the most profitable investment that you can make. Three possible investment options include investing to improve your skills, your creativity and your health.
To invest in your education and skills consider these investment options:
- Increase your education – get an advanced degree or relevant certification that will qualify you for a better job.
- Increase your skills – for example, become more efficient by learning about computer software or even a computer language. Take courses that provide skills which will make you stand out when a promotion is considered, such as communications and managing people.
- Expand your knowledge – are there technical aspects of your job that you just assume are someone else’s job to figure out? Take a deeper dive into the technical aspects of what your department does. Also, keep up-to-date on the current trends or advancements in your profession or industry. If something strikes a chord, bring it up at work and you may get noticed for your interest in improving your skills, the office or company.
To invest in your creativity, you need to expose yourself to ideas, concepts and experiences that help you think outside the box. Consider trying new things such as:
- Take an art class such as drawing, photography or jewelry making
- Learn to play an instrument
- Take a trip and really learn about the people, their culture and history. Heck even try learning their language.
- Take up a hobby that involves learning and doing rather than buying and collecting.
Finally, invest in your health. You can avoid spending a lot of money on prescriptions, doctors and hospitals by staying healthy. And, when you have less stress, you become a better person and more efficient worker.
- Make healthy food choices
- Make time to move – walk, bike, hike, play tennis, do yoga.
- Make time to relax. Learn to enjoy slowing it down. Read a book, take a trip, learn to meditate.
- Make time for family and friends. Learn the skill of conversation, accept and don’t judge.
- Make time for yourself. Listen to what your body is telling you.
A full life is measured by so many dimensions other than wealth. You need to figure out the dimensions of your life that make you feel fortunate, whether the stock market is up or down.
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