Many romantic expectations surround Valentine’s Day. For those contemplating a divorce or In the midst of divorce proceedings, Valentine’s Day can be extra stressful because the pressure to express romantic love to a sweetheart simply can’t be fulfilled in the way society expects, and it is impossible to avoid the Valentine’s Day spirit when out and about.
For example, when shopping this time of year, you can’t help but notice the greeting card aisle. The hearts! The glitter! Selling Valentine’s Day cards is nothing new – commercialism has found its way into expressing love through cards for over a century now, with valentines first being mass produced in the 1800s. There has been something made for everyone, since the very beginning: in 1797
The Young Man’s Valentine Writer was published in Britain, and contained romantic poems for gentlemen that couldn’t write their own to impress their Valentine.
While there is nothing wrong with buying or receiving a store-bought card or pre-written sentiments (or any other classic Valentine’s Day gift, like roses or chocolates), I personally think it is more meaningful to express your feelings in your own unique words and gestures, spontaneously, throughout the year. And not just to a significant other – how about those precious kiddos in your life? I think instead of feeling pressure to be in a romantic relationship and consume everything pink/red/glittery on February 14
th, Valentine’s Day can serve as a reminder to us that every day is an opportunity for us to creatively express our feelings to anyone we care about – not just a sweetheart.
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