Surviving Valentine’s Day

by | Feb 6, 2014 | Parents, Uncategorized | 1 comment

For me, February brings to mind two things: cold weather (especially for us mid-westerners) and Valentine’s Day. If you are a divorced woman, the latter might make you cringe. So how can we get through this month on a positive, upbeat note? With Valentine’s Day on a Friday this year it’s going to be hard to hide from it, so let’s embrace it! Here are some tips to help you survive Valentine’s Day:
  • Gather your single friends for dinner or a ladies night out!
  • Do you have the kids that night? Make the day about them and your love for them! Make a special project, meal, or dessert.
  • Treat yourself to a spa day! If it is not in the budget this month invite a few girlfriends over for at home spa treatments. Enjoy some wine and make it a sleepover!
  • Send yourself flowers or chocolates. It may be materialistic, but purchase something that brings you pleasure. Treat yourself the way you’d like to be treated.
  • Do something active, take a yoga class or go for a run.
Divorce is a transition. Remember that it does not define you and it is in no way a reflection of who you are.

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