I’m not always a very wise shopper. I tend to fall into the trap of thinking something is a good deal if I save money. And at least in the short term, my cheaper purchase may do just fine.
But inevitably, cheap purchases lack staying power and don’t hold up well. I was reminded of this recently when looking in dismay at the boots I bought on sale at a discount shoe store. After one season of wear, the leather has frayed on the toes of both boots, and they won’t be wearable next season. In contrast, the Frye boots I splurged on when I was accepted into graduate school decades ago still look great. I knew at the time that these boots were an investment meant to last.
When some potential clients hear about Collaborative Team Practice, their first response is, “That sounds too expensive. I don’t want to spend much money on a divorce.” Because most people have to budget money with some care, it can easily feel like professional fees are not where limited resources should go. But be aware of the trap of thinking something is a good deal if it saves money.
A quality divorce process is an investment in the future, especially when children are involved. Collaborative professionals are experts in conflict resolution and creative problem solving, and can respectfully support families through the crisis of divorce to sustainable resolutions. Collaborative professionals are deeply knowledgeable in their areas of expertise—family law, financial resolutions, children’s needs in divorce, parenting plans and co-parenting skills. Simply put, the right Collaborative professional will help you understand what you may well not know about how to make the best possible decisions on behalf of yourself and your family.
The least expensive divorce options may seem adequate at the time, but the results are often not sustainable. This may mean heading back into a post-decree legal process that is guaranteed to be costly. Collaborative Team Practice is not the best fit for all divorces, but when it is, it is clearly an investment in quality outcomes with staying power for the future. For more information, check out the
Collaborative Law Institute website.
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